Hard to believe how fast time flies at times. We landed in Israel just over a week ago, jet lag has faded away, but the tiredness of making each day count is apparent. The change in the quality of light is always interesting, light here is bright and flat mid day far more then back home, but when the sun is low, the golden hour isn't holding back, and gifts its true beauty at full force.
Yours truly, raising a cup of wine at Cafe Sigal. taken by Roee Yaniv.
The freedom the kids have here is glorious and a reminder of my childhood here, my two older ones are in seventh heaven and speaking fluent Hebrew. My old neighborhood hasn't changed much aside from a missing orange orchard (now new private homes) and the addition of the lovely Cafe Sigal, which has become our official hangout, and espresso addiction management center.
All three sisters had their babies in the past number of months, so it has been a baby reunion, or a Milk Maid get-together, depends who you ask.
We spent a day at Caesarea, where one can walk through the ruins of Herod's port city, it was true a joy. I wish I could of stayed longer to photograph the softer colors there, but we opted to go for a swim in the ocean under the Caesarea Aqueduct, where sheltered by the ruin of ancient breakers, little fish nibbled on our feet in the warm clear waters.
Aqueduct of Caesarea
The Aqueduct brought running water to the old city of Caesarea, along a raised aqueduct. The source of the water was the springs of Shummi, 10KM away. Herod build the aqueduct in the 1st C BC. later, in the 2nd C AD it was expanded by the Romans. Later, 2 more aqueducts were built.
The camera has been a recorder of excursions, babies, smiles and good times, but I do find myself wishing for the time to head out hunting for images, the creative juices are calling out, but on this trip, time has been condensed somewhat, but still the good old 5DMKll is in hand.
Family lunch at the Coffee Bar in Tel Aviv is always an outstanding gastronomic experience. The menu is well thought out, and the food is good. Seeing the Isle of Islay's Caol Ila (scotch) sitting there brought a smile, and an immediate toast went out to Yolit, Moti, Lena and Yotam, who were probably sipping the same golden drink as I was. Cheers! see you next week.
I am savoring the simple food of Hummus & Thehina (thahini sauce) with a dash of lemon and olive oil, the diced Israeli salad and the local Goldstar beer, all of which can be had back in the US but the taste isn't even close. Eating good seafood at Yulia restaurant, along Namal Tel Aviv while the spray of crashing waves finds its way to you is pretty close to perfection.
Almost every day has ended as it should, in the warm waters of the Mediterranean, either at Blue, Kachol in Tel Baruch or like last night, at the “Metzitzim” beach where we played and body surfed in the churning swell, yes swell...these were rideable, maybe a surf sesh before I leave?